Photographer Magali Delporte reports on the Tenth Kenyan National Games for the Blind and Partially Sighted
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Testing the height
Before they jump, a blind child feels the pole to estimate how high he will have to throw himself |
100 metres
Blind runners always race with a guide who holds their hands. It's never obvious who's leading who |
Tennis table for the blind
Showdown is a game for the totally blind. Participants are blindfolded because some have a slight perception of light and shadow - which would defeat the purpose of the game.
The girl striking the ball is Margaret Kea. She was born blind, as were so were her brother and two ants. Fortunately, their mother is fully sighted |
Magnifying Glasses
Robert Muga from the Narok District, by the Lake Victoria, watches a game of goal ball. Being partially sighted means he will still see a blurred image, even with glasses. Robert started to go to school six years ago, his glasses cost 3500 Kenyan Shillings, a fortune for his father |
Netball is played by the partially sighted, yet no one wears his or her glasses because breaking them would be a real loss. A cheap pair of glasses costs about 900 Kenyan shillings, about ten pounds and it is too big a risk to damage or lose them. In fact, many children left their specs at home |
A young blind woman points her arm elegantly towards the direction if the clapping. That way she knows where to throw the javelin |
Three children from Mombassa gorge on sugar cane. They brought about 25 sticks from the sea side as a tasty glucose supplement |
Tangled hands
The blind boys from St Frances, in West Pokot, search for the hands of their partially sighted colleagues, who've won their football match against St Oda School for the Blind |
The buckets dance
The girls from the Trans-Nzoia Sight Savers' programme improvise a colourful dance with some buckets. These were the trophies they received for winning the volleyball tournament. Unfortunately, they forgot most of the lids! |