February 2001 | Archive | View images | Read article
reportage Long Shot in the fast track

Wayne Tippetts

Wayne Tippetts was born in England 1959, and studied Documentary Photography at North East London Polytechnic. Graduating in 1986, he began to visit Jamaica on a regular basis, travelling the island photographing subjects such as religion, horse racing and dance hall culture. In 1994, he held an exhibition of his work at the Grovesnor gallery, Kingston. In 1993, he moved to Jamaica to work as a photographer, whilst teaching photography part time at the Edna Manley School for Visual Art, Kingston. A number of his photographs have appeared on record sleeves and in magazine features and a selection of his images were exhibited as part of the international Reggae Xplosion exhibition, which toured the UK in 2000. Currently based in London, Tippetts has contributed to the book 'Reggae Explosion', the story of Jamaican music to be published by Virgin in the spring.

Wayne Tippetts can be contacted at wayne.tippetts@vizzavi.net or wtippets@hotmail.com