On their way: the British Army Camp, Pokhara, Western Nepal
Recruits who have been successful at hill selection arrive at the Camp for central selection. Some of the boys will have travelled for several days, often on foot to reach Pokhara. Many arrive looking their best, wearing fashionable fake logos and imitation branded trainers.
A recruit takes part in the Doko Race at dawn, on the hillside outside the British Army Camp. This is traditionally the most gruelling part of central selection - a 5km race uphill, carrying 35kgs of stones in a 'doko' basket on the back. This is more arduous than any other selection test in the British army.
Recently, the British Army has raised academic entry levels for central selection. All recruits have to pass tests equivalent to GCSE standards in English and Mathematics.
A recruit waits for a medical test to be carried out by independent British Army doctors at central selection. For many boys, this is the first time they will have been intimately examined by a doctor and tests frequently detect serious medical complaints prviously undiagnosed.
The Attestation Parade is the formal ceremony of recruitment that occurs throughout the British Army. Here recruits swear allegiance to the British Crown by saluting a picture of the Queen and by touching the Union Jack. Contrary to the popular myth that Gurkhas are mercenaries, Attestation defines them as part of the British Army.
Wives, mothers, sisters and girlfriends wait outside the British Army Camp. A successful recruit is unable to leave the camp, although he will able to see relatives to say goodbye, since they will not meet again for 3 years
Before their sons depart for the UK, families perform a moving farewell ceremony, hanging Marlas (strings of flowers) and silk scarves around the necks of the recruits to bring luck and show respect. They also perform Tika, the daubing of rice on the forehead as an outward symbol of the family's blessing.