April 2001 |  Archive  |  Read article |  © Marcus Bleasdale (lab) and Kadir van Lohuizen (Agence Vu)
reportage  The heart of the matter

In April 2000 Kadir van Lohuizen and
Marcus Bleasdale entered RUF-rebels
heldterritory. Their aim: to photograph
the diamond mining which had fueled
Sierra Leone's civil war.

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With the rebels
photographs Marcus Bleasdale

Marcus Bleasdale had traveled with
Kadir van Lohuizen although his name was
not on the laisez passer, but he was fortunate
that no one manning the RUF checkpoints
was able to read. They stayed several days
with the rebels in their camp in Tongo
in the north east of Sierra Leone, but it
proved to be to dangerous to photograph
the mining and they had to leave

Frantic mining

photographs Kadir van Lohuizen

Just three quarters of an hour on footh
along a slippery jungle path they came
accross a mining location just outside the
rebel territory. Here men, women and
children were working in a frenzy. Mine
'owners' had official permits from the
government but etc etc etc etc etc etc
Back to start
RUF-rebels in their camp in Tongo
Photograph Kadir van Lohuizen
RUF-rebels lead kidnapped children to work in the mines in Koidu Rebels pan for diamonds in Koidu RUF-major Bengali and collegues at the RUF Headquarters in Tongo Diamondminers at work in the mines of Baoma between Bo and Kenema Diamondminers at work in the mines of Baoma between Bo and Kenema Diamondminers at work in the mines of Baoma between Bo and Kenema Miners are washing the gravel in the river Sewa looking for diamonds. The gravel comes from the pits at the mines With air compressed in a gasbottle divers are looking for diamonds in the Sewa river The divers who look for diamonds in the river Sewa earn a very low salary. Only some can afford a lunch Diamond dealer watches his miners washing the gravel at the mines of Baoma A diamond mine owner shows a diamond